The best way to get some extra cash in this horrible economy right now is through the use of alternative energy. If you look around for a little bit on the internet, you will realize that one of the most popular sources of alternative energy is by using wind turbines to power your house. But can it actually work or are the wind power for home ads deceiving you? In this article you are about to read, you will learn exactly how wind power works and whether or not you should consider purchasing a wind turbine.
One of the best benefits to wind energy is the fact that it is very good for the environment. The majority of energy sources out there pollute the air, but wind turbines are all natural.
Wind turbines are very simple to understand and use. Right now i want you to picture a fan. The fan needs electricity to move the blades right? The opposite is true with a wind turbine, the wind makes the blades move and the which then eventually turns into electricity. It goes like this: the wind makes the blades on the turbine spin, the blades cause the shaft to spin, then the shaft is connected to the generator and the generator produces electricity.
But how well do they work?
Well, this all depends on where you live. If you live in an area that has a lot of wind then you will be able to get a good amount of electricity from a wind turbine which means your electric bill will be cut a good amount. But the problem is you are still dependent on the weather. You will not produce any power if there is no wind.
Another major problem with wind power for homes is that fact that they can easily be damaged in a thunderstorm. The main cause of wind turbines being broken is because of thunderstorms.
Honestly, if you live in an area that has a good amount of wind and has very few thunder and lightning storms, then you should consider getting a wind generator. However, if your home is located in an area with zero wind and has a good amount of storms, there is no point in getting one. - 29939
One of the best benefits to wind energy is the fact that it is very good for the environment. The majority of energy sources out there pollute the air, but wind turbines are all natural.
Wind turbines are very simple to understand and use. Right now i want you to picture a fan. The fan needs electricity to move the blades right? The opposite is true with a wind turbine, the wind makes the blades move and the which then eventually turns into electricity. It goes like this: the wind makes the blades on the turbine spin, the blades cause the shaft to spin, then the shaft is connected to the generator and the generator produces electricity.
But how well do they work?
Well, this all depends on where you live. If you live in an area that has a lot of wind then you will be able to get a good amount of electricity from a wind turbine which means your electric bill will be cut a good amount. But the problem is you are still dependent on the weather. You will not produce any power if there is no wind.
Another major problem with wind power for homes is that fact that they can easily be damaged in a thunderstorm. The main cause of wind turbines being broken is because of thunderstorms.
Honestly, if you live in an area that has a good amount of wind and has very few thunder and lightning storms, then you should consider getting a wind generator. However, if your home is located in an area with zero wind and has a good amount of storms, there is no point in getting one. - 29939
About the Author:
The most recent studies has proven to us that Wind Power For Homes will work, but it is NOT the best way to produce power. The studies have shown the Magnetic Energy is the number one form of alternative energy. For more information on Magnetic Energy Click Here